Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Beware! Swine Flu!

First the chickens and now the pigs!

Swine flu also known as the Influenza H1N1 virus has been spreading nationwide. It started from Mexico, where the pigs have been infected. Mexican health secretary Jose Angel Cordova said there were 1614 suspected cases of people infected with the deadly strain, which has spread to seven other countries and caused the US to declare a health emergency. Most of the cases in Mexico have been in young healthy adults, who are not normally seriously affected by influenza, the World Health Organisation said.

However, Dr Kok Tuck Weng, a virologist affiliated to the University of South Australia and the University of Adelaide, said it was not possible to predict if swine flu would have the same fatality levels as SARS - which killed one in 10 people who were infected.

Professor Greg Tannock, an expert in virology at RMIT University, said swine flu's origins and its speed of infection were of concern.

"This has occurred in several different locations in North America and it may become a prevalent pandemic virus in years to come. Unlike bird flu ... this transmits much more rapidly.

"The other thing about the current swine flu is that it appears to be a mutational event. So it's become humanised and you don't need swine to transmit the virus, as you do with bird flu.

He said if swine flu turned out to be a pandemic, people would have little to no immunity from it.

Australian Pork Ltd said people should not have any fears about eating pork products in Australia.

"Swine fever from which this disease is from is not a known disease in Australia. So there is no risk of people catching it from Australian pigs," Emily Mackintosh, general manager of communications at Australian Pork Ltd, said.

So for my Australian buds out there, it's safe to consume pork as long as it's a local product but as a precaution, try to eat less of it.

As for Singaporean khakis, always check the label for the origin of the product. Try to be as cautious as possible. Always ask about the origin of the pork before purchasing.

Prevention Methods

1. Avoid eating pork as you can see that its the cause of it.
2. Always wash your hands after being exposed from public/crowded areas.
3. If someone is sneezing or having a inluenza-like illness, try to keep a distance away from them.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Traditional Chinese Beef Stew~

As requested by one of Smell My Food™ Customers,

Its the all time warm and heartfelt dish..

Traditional Chinese Beef Stew.....

Added in the recipe section!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Hot hot hot~~

Global warming has hit Asia as the wind directions have changed(Thats why its freezing in Australia!). A beverage that will cool you up~

Lemon Lime Bitters - An australian non alcoholic beverage drink.

Check out the recipe section!

I've made it in a comic strip form.

Comment about it and I may use it if it suits the customers.

Alert! Chicken Wings Attack!

I've recently received this email.

Chicken Wings - Its Dangerous Avoid eating chicken wings frequently - ladies, especially; a true story...! A friend of mine recently had a growth in her womb and she underwent an operation to remove the. The cyst removed was filled with a dark colored blood. She thought that she would be recovered after the surgery but! she was terribly wrong.

A relapse occurred just a few months later. Distressed , she rushed down to her gynecologist for a consultation.. During her consultation, her doctor asked her a question that puzzled her. He ask if she was a frequent consumer of chicken wings and she replied yes wondering as to how, he knew of her eating habits. You see, the truth is in this modern day and age; chickens are injected with steroids to accelerate their growth so that the needs of this society can be met. This need is none other than the need for food.

Chickens that are injected with steroids are usually given the shot at the neck or the wings. Therefore, it is in these places that the highest concentration of steroids exists. These steroids have terrifying effects on the body as it accelerates growth.. It has an even more dangerous effect in the presence of female hormones, this leads to women being more prone to the growth of a cyst in the womb. Therefore, I advise the people out there to watch their diets and to lower their frequency of consuming chicken wings!

So people, as long as you're purchasing Organic Chicken, you will be fine!

Different ways of breeding chickens and what does it mean.

NaturalChickens can be labeled as "natural" if it does not contain any chemical preservative, artificial coloring or flavoring, or any other synthetic substance. It can be processed using traditional methods, such as freezing, smoking, roasting, and drying. These minimal USDA standards allow even chickens that have been treated with antibiotics and growth enhancers to be classified as "natural."

Chickens labeled "free-range" have only one requirement, which is that it must have had access to an outside environment. Free-range chickens are thought to have more flavor meat, but it is generally tougher. The chickens may have been exposed to antibiotics, growth enhances, and steroids.

OrganicChickens labeled "organic" must be certified by a certification entity. To be certified the chickens must be fed organic feed that is made up of grains and soybeans that have been grown in soil that has not been exposed to chemical fertilizers, pesticides, or other harmful chemicals. They cannot be treated with any drugs or antibiotics, and they must have outside access. Organic chickens are available for those concerned with consuming a healthier meat and promoting a healthier environment for animals and humans.
KosherA kosher chicken must be raised and processed with strict guidelines under rabbinical supervision. The chickens are fed only grain and are free-range. They are never given any antibiotics and they are individually inspected. When they are processed, the chickens are soaked in a salty brine solution to give the meat a unique flavor.
ConventionalConventionally raised chickens are raised under confined conditions without exposure to natural sunlight or access to the outside environment. Due to these conditions, growth enhancers are sometimes used to promote growth and the need for antibiotics is greater. Often the conditions are overcrowded and the feed used has potentially been exposed to harmful chemicals. Chickens raised under conventional methods have less flavorful meat than those raised by other methods, such as free-range or organic.

The wonders of Wine

Wine is an alcoholic beverage often made of fermented grape juice.The natural chemical balance of grapes is such that they can ferment without the addition of sugars, acids, enzymes or other nutrients.Wine is produced by fermenting crushed grapes using various types of yeast which consume the sugars found in the grapes and convert them into alcohol. Different varieties of grapes and strains of yeasts are used depending on the types of wine being produced.

How to taste Wine
The greatest thing about wine is its mystery. You can read all the words on the label and in the review. They giveyou an idea of what this wine should taste like but you are never quite sure and there is only one way to find out. Pull the cork, splash some wine into a glass and stick it in your mouth. Drink it on its own, then with some food- it tastes different. The mystery of wine, its ever evolving. Tasting wine, like food, involves using the senses of sight, smell and taste to create a whole picture.

The Steps

Appearance gives you important visual cues - colour,clarity and viscosity are all indicators of variety,age and style. Is it light-coloured, deep or even dark? Colour can speak.

Quoted by Rudyard Kipling, ' Scents are surer than sights and sounds to make your heartstrings crack.' Undoubtedly he was right. What does the smell of Johnson's Baby Powder mean to you? Or freshly cut grass? Bread Baking? A freshly cut opened durian? The aftershave of a long-lost lover? Conversely, burnt rubber or the smell of sour milk, for those who once drank school milk after it had sat in the sun?
The light delicate smells - perfume,floral or mineral- waft in and out through the detection range. The smell of grapefruits, pineapples, furniture varnish and even kerosene! All this scent can be picked up from wine through the nose.

Put your nose right in the glass and you will find the deeper, richer, heavier smells - the earth, truffle, mushroom, barnyard or fresh meat.

Then there are things that are pungent or unpleasant. They twitch the nose, especially the hairs and membranes high up and trigger an involuntary reflex to pull the head away.
In texture, we talk about the aroma and bouquet. Aroma is about fruit and winemaking while bouquet has to do with age.

Taste is the most important of all the senses because it doesn't matter how good the wine looks or how fantastic it smells - if it doesn't taste good, basically, it sucks.
Sweetness is usually the first thing the mouth registers as the sugar receptors are concentrated at the front of the tongue. Acidity tingles the sides of the tongue and is usually quite sharp. Alcohol produces an oily sensation and if there is too much it can be hot and burning. Tannin is what makes the tongue and gums feel powdery and can be quite bitter.

After reading this whole lot of information, why not get yourself a bottle of wine and try the steps. Start with a lighter wine like white white(which i recommend a riesling or a sauvignon blanc. Dessert wines are alright too as well as ice wines although they are expensive!). Slowly open the cork, sniff it and then pour a glass of wine. Take a nose to it and then give it a swirl. You'll find that the aroma is stronger than the first. Now think of what kind of familiar scent you can come up with. Its amazing. Now go ahead and taste it. Does it taste different than what you are getting from the nose? Or are you getting the same thing?
I admit, at first, it is quite bitter upon taste. But over time, as you keep exploring the beauty of wine itself, you'll find that, appreciating wine is actually a lost adventure....

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Sweet treats

Lets start it off with something sweet..

Crepes a la Normande Style - Refer to Recipes section

Sight- Golden brown crepes glazed with shiny apricot glaze. Apple cubes shimmering as the caramelized sauce coats and oozes out from the crepes. A snowy effect from the icing sugar.

Nose - Smells of cooked pastry with apple aromas which give a sweet distinct smell of calvados. The perfectly cooked apples gives it a caramelized burnt aroma.

Texture - Delicate and crispy skin that compliments with the soft yet crunchy apples that ends off with a powdery feeling.

Flavour - Intense buttery-like crepes flavour with sweet and sour apples that gives a tinge of alcohol from the calvados. Slowly, the tongue gets covered with the caramelized sauce and lingers.

Feeling - Upon closing your eyes, you'll feel that it warms up ur mouth but as it moves around your mouth, the sensation just bursts into your palates.

Best Wine Accompaniment

Dessert Wine : Alasia Moscato D'Asti

Alcohol Content : 5%

Appearance : Light straw colour with clean and clear clarity

Aroma: Fresh lychee

Flavours: Honey and fruity. Sweet with low acidity. Dry and Short finish.

*In the next post, I will be talking about wine appreciation. The steps and techniques to learning wines. The facts about wines and its culture. Definitely, there will be recipes added as well.

Stay - Tuned..

Hors D'oeuvres

Due to wine, loads of projects and lotsa wine again, I've decided to create a blog that associates with food,food,food and food. (not forgetting the wine)

Ever since i left singapore on a journey not far from home, I've started to learn not only food itself but the nature of food. The exposure that I have been given is enriching and empowering my knowledge to the brim whereby i'm force to share.

I'm tired of food blogs that don't go into details. The flavour, texture, aroma , sight and the feeling that it gives us. Where have all that gone to? Is food just something whereby we go "ahh, it just satisfied my tummy' or ' It smells heavenly and it taste good'. Have u ever smelt heaven ? And what is defined by good?

And how many singaporeans actually like wine(excluding the sweet kinds)? There's so much to it. Have you wondered why expats or angmohs like to swirl their wine in the glass and take a good sniff before drinking it in a pleasant and yet "soundful" way?





A touch of Chef D....

All to be unfold...

Stay tuned..